Alfred Education Group


    Dnipropetrovsk Medical University graduates the first Masters of Dentistry

    The attestation of the first Masters of Dentistry has started at Dniprovsk State Medical University.

    Education in the new educational and professional program «Dentistry», which successfully passed the accreditation and got the highest marks for four points from nine possible, and was pointed out as perspective and innovative that is significantly different from previous programs and curricula. And the brightest example of this is the graduates’ attestation.

    According to the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the attestation of students under the educational-professional program 221 «Dentistry» of the second (Master’s) level of education in the field of knowledge 22 «Health» consists of several stages. One of the final and decisive stages of this certification is an objective structured practical (clinical) examination of OSP (C)E.

    The special feature of this exam is that during its passing, the graduates find themselves in conditions as close to their future activities as possible.They independently carry out the necessary diagnostic measures and manipulations on the patient-simulator, provide overall questioning of the patient, his examination, prescribe and evaluate additional methods of examination, put the diagnosis and the necessary treatment. So that they carry out the whole set of measures, as in the usual reception of a dental patient.

    To assess the acquired practical skills, the graduates are invited to perform the most common dental manipulations on models and phantoms.

    It should be noted that during the exam the students go through twelve stations, where they demonstrate their knowledge and skills in therapeutic, surgical, orthopedic, pediatric, dental and orthodontic fields. Thus, the tests cover the full range of dental disciplines.

    Graduating departments have carefully prepared for this new form of exam. All halls are equipped with the necessary modern dental equipment, tools and materials, which allows graduates to fully demonstrate a high level of their knowledge and skills.Preparation for OSP(C)E did not ignore the issue of the pandemic COVID-19. Taking temperature of all participants of the exam, thorough disinfection and strict adherence to anti-epidemic norms is obligatory.
    Examination commission headed by Professor O.A. Glazunov and the rector of Dnipropetrovsk State Medical University, professor T.O. Pertseva noted the high level of applicants’ training and the readiness of departments to conduct this new form of certification.