Alfred Education Group


    Celebration of National Day of Peace

    Dating from 2017, there is a beautiful tradition to celebrate the sorrowful date – the start of the World War II (1941-45), — with a memorial flash mob “The Memorial Waltz”.
    This year, the pandemic of coronavirus put its corrections and restrictions into the performance of ceremonial events all over the world. Our Donetsk National Medical University didn’t become an exception. But all in all, in the morning, on September, 21, the tune of “Sevastopol Waltz” sounded after the traditional minute of silence, and students of different courses reminded the guests about dreadful events of the 22nd of June, 1944, when the World War II started.
    The performer of the festival was the Head of the Department of Military and Disaster Medicine, Colonel of the Medical Service — V.S. Mamedov. The meeting was opened with a welcoming speech by the First Vice-Rector of the university, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Tatiana Leonidovna Ryapolova. The Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church Alexander Mikhailovich Pushkaruk made a penetrating speech to the audience.
    Students presented flowers to the children of war, who were present at the performance. The veterans were surrounded by a line of students, holding photographs of the dead in the fields of the World War II. Then the literary and musical composition «We remember, are proud and honor!» was performed by the students of Donetsk State Medical University. Those present honored the memory of the deceased teachers, staff and students of Donetsk National Medical University by a minute of silence. The laying of flowers took place at the monument to the students and employees of the university who died during the war. Also, a field kitchen was organized for the participants of the holiday by the forces of the trade union committee of employees.
    The memorial event in front of the entrance to the morphological building ended with a concert program prepared by the efforts of the students of the Medical University and the traditional «Memorial Waltz». The Vice-Principle for Academic Work, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Tatiana Leonidovna Ryapolova spoke to the participants of flash mob with penetrating words of gratefulness for their indifference, and what is more important, for memory of those events, which they represent from year to year in a beautiful musical performance – “The Memorial Waltz”.