Alfred Education Group


    A friendly visit of German colleagues to Bohomolets National Medical University

    German guests from the city of Lubeck payed a friendly visit to Bogomolets National Medical University on the 9th of August: the Vice-Principal with Scientific University Activity — professor Karl Friedrich Klotz, and the Chief of Transplantation Surgery of the university clinic – Schlezwig-Golschtein Grigoriy Lapschin.

    In terms of the German delegation’s visit, a meeting with the students of Bogomolets National Medical University was organized. The meeting took place in a relaxed atmosphere, where students from a German university shared their experience of their entering and studying at the university, and students from our university had the opportunity to ask Professor Karl Klotz and colleagues from Lubeck about studying medicine in Germany, and learning conditions at the University of Lubeck.

    Professor Carl Friedrich Klutz is well-known in Ukraine. Thanks to his efforts during 15 years, a lot of investments were given to educational, scientific and other charitable projects. He promoted collaboration between our universities, and there is huge experience counted of such international partnership.

    The good news for NMU is that this year the University of Lubeck will be able to accept 2 students from NMU for an eight-week internship at the University Clinic at the expense of the grant. Obligatory requirements for education are: studying on the senior course (after the 3rd year), high academic achievement and knowledge of the German language at a sufficient level.

    After an official meeting with students, the German delegation met the administration of the NMU Rectorate with the Vice-Rector for International Relations, Scientific and Pedagogical Work, Professor Olesya Lynovytska. The meeting was also attended by an Associate Professor of General Surgery №1, Sergei Zemskov, the Head of the Department of International Conferences, Anna Malunova, and a specialist in the Department of International Development — Maria Kuznetsova.
    The members of the meeting discussed the program of further collaboration, which they fixed in the agreement.

    During the conference, the parties agreed on the two-way students’ exchange for the purpose of their internship in the clinical bases of both universities, the exchange of scientific and pedagogical staff, a common scientific cooperation between teachers and students of Ukrainian and German universities. Apart from this, during the discussion, the representatives of both establishments agreed on areas of further cooperation of interest to both parties and secured mutual agreement to jointly participate in the development of project applications under the program “EU Erasmus +”. As part of the visit to Kyiv, a city tour was organized for German guests.