Alfred Education Group


    Congratulate Odessa National Medical University with successful accreditation

    On the 27th of July, the National Agency for the Quality of Higher Education of Ukraine agreed accreditation of Odessa National Medical University’s educational-scientific program for preparation Doctors of Philosophy on specialization 073 “Management”.

    Educational program 073 “Management” – is a modern educational program that realizes achieving competencies in the management of the organization and its business processes. It is focused on training of modern managers and entrepreneurs, who are able to adapt fast in the business environment. The program takes into account up-to-date requirements for solving practical problems by introducing training lessons. Students can also take part in the programs “Double Degree” — these are joint programs of Ukrainian and foreign universities, that give Ukrainian students the opportunity to study in Europe and receive degree from European universities.

    This accreditation is an acknowledgement of competent educational process and effective scientific work at Odessa National Medical University. It allows to graduate Doctors of Philosophy in Management, to prepare administrative, scientific and scientific-educational personnel of the highest qualification not only for Ukrainian but also for foreign enterprises, institutions and organizations.

    The guarantor of this program is the Doctor of Economics, Professor A.G. Goncharuk and the entire team of Odessa National Medical University, who have worked hard to ensure the program’s recognition and national accreditation.

    So, in August, by submitting documents for admission to post-graduate studies at Odessa National Medical University, the applicants have the opportunity to study in an accredited program, which is a sign of the quality of higher education.