If you live in another city or country and you can’t attend the lectures, a distance study is for you! Choosing this kind of education, you have to send us your EIT certificate or pass entrance exams. We ensure students with all studying materials: video and audio recordings of lectures and seminars, practical tasks with methodical recommendations, access to the electronic library, etc. Students can study the material at convenient time for them. Professors always keep in touch with students via E-mail, Skype or phone.
The examination session is created remotely: you pass the test or interview via Skype or come to university (it usually takes one day). After being graduated from the university, you get a diploma of national sample that doesn’t differ from another form of education.
Advantages of Distant Education
- More naturally learning process as you can learn at anywhere and at any time from your daily experience.
- It involves activities like individual and personal research on a topic of interest for themselves by using books, libraries, social media, Internet or getting assistance from teachers via Skype or E-mail.
- Uses a variety of techniques.
- No specific time schedule.
- Less costly and time-efficient learning process.